Tarpon and Bonefish Research Center 

Tagged Permit 

I can see you

A few bones up close 

Is Stu Apte really giving me a pointer or two!?!?!  

Learning how to fight to win 

Permit Release 

Quite a view

Captain Emir doing his thing

Bow to the Silver King

Easy does it 

Healthy population from many age classes 

He ate the fly! 

Tagged Permit 

Stu Apte & Adam Marton 

The Fieldworkers Club
5985 Trail End Road, Three Oaks, Michigan 49128 
312-440-1200   adam@fieldworkersclub.com

312-440-1200  ---  adam@fieldworkersclub.com

Go free and grow up

Stop and smell the roses 

Not your typical classroom 

Nice permit Captain Kechu!

2013 Belize Tarpon Tagging Expedition Team 

Congratulations Michael! ​Quite a first tarpon indeed

Looking at you

Not quite large enough to tag, but wow!  

Dr. Jerry Ault & Stue Apte - Belize 2014 

Tarpon Release 

​A critical partnership between anglers and scientists. We lead scientific fly fishing expeditions with a mission. 

Good Morning!

It's really no fun down here

Getting the hang of it

Pretty Fish...

Stu Atpe & Lori Ann Murphy 

This guy again..... Might be someone else's turn on the bow 

Measuring up for tagging 

Now there's a crew! 

The Silver King 

OK I want to go fishing 

Tagged permit release 

T245 about to be released in August of 2014 

Lucky young man --- Actually received  "Of Wind and Tides" from Stu Apte himself 

Bucket mouth 

I think you have a nibble...